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API-Accessible, instant student risk score

Einstein Risk Score: the new standard for granting student loans.

Fairness, equity, and college access for hardworking college students to realize their dreams is my passion. I am Aaron Pisacane, a 26-year expert in college finance living in Philadelphia. My impatience of seeing lenders ignore a student’s academic success is the motivation behind the creation of Einstein in 2021. Motivated to improve the world we live in today, one hardworking student at a time.

Einstein Risk Score Logo

More data, more insight, better informed lending decisions.

Instantaneous scoring, 100% automations, third party integrations, error-free processes, and annual model updates.

Icon_FinancialBarrier Turnkey loan origination process
Icon_Instantaneous Instantaneous Einstein Risk Score
Icon_Annual Annual Model Updates
Icon_Informed Informed Lending Decisions

The problem with the current system

The private student loan market has not advanced in accessing the risk profile of a college student. The college student’s risk has little do with lending decisions today. Lenders rely on parent cosigner’s credit report and employment income ignoring the students strong or weak academic profile when approving loans and when pricing loans. The industry has failed to advance its credit models.

Approval based on parent cosigner
Incomplete risk assessment
Ignores student borrower’s risk profile
Lost opportunities to lend to quality students

The Einstein Risk Score – the F*CO score of student risk. The new standard in student loan risk assessment.

Advantages of our model

In 60 years of student lending, understanding student risk is finally made possible for student loan lenders to make lending decisions.

  • Instantaneous student risk score
  • Third party reliable data sources
  • 100% end-to-end automated processes
  • Sophisticated data analytics for model improvement
  • Annual model updates
  • Turnkey process

How it works?

Contact Einstein Higher Edu Solutions today to get ready to lend for the 2021/2022 academic year. We already did the heavy lifting. Where others have gone halfway to do this right, Einstein has thought through the optimal solution and will see it through. Putting the Tech back in FinTech. A true FinTech process doesn’t rely on Fred Flintstone back-end human processing.

Are you a student interested in a student loan based on your credentials?


Are you a lender interested in helping hardworking students realize their dreams?