Hardworking students deserve a chance to realize their dreams
We are building a solution, starting from 2022-2023 academic year. Interested?
We think that hard working college students deserve more lender support then is available today.
For this reason, we are building a fair loan program
to support deserving students without the need for a co-signer.

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Our solution program
Close to the student
Many deserving students are unable to obtain a student loan because they do not have a co-signer or an easy financial situation.
The current system takes no account whatsoever of the student's abilities, his academic performance or his real value for the world of work in the society of the future. The current system is not fair.
We are building a loan programme that will be available as early as the 2022-2023 school year, based on the student's ability and value to future society.
We are building a loan programme that will be available as early as the 2022-2023 school year, based on the student's ability and value to future society.

Close to the lender
Make loans to hardworking students based on the student's academic track record with an acceptable risk profile.
We are building a credit model that will be based on your loan performance in today's post-pandemic economy, not yesterday's 'outdated' pre-pandemic data.
We believe a student is more than a credit score.
Einstein Higher Edu Solutions partners with Non-Profit Lenders to help them meet their mission of increasing college access, responsibly.
We really are spending 100% dedication to ‘cracking the code’ to successfully lend to college students without cosigners.