
Einstein Higher Edu Solutions removes barriers for hardworking students to pay for college

Written by Aaron Pisacane | 01 Jul 2021

Aaron Pisacane has created a company to help lenders meet their public mission to help students (families) pay for college. This solution promotes merit-based application decisions to benefit all
racial and ethnic groups that traditional models lock out. This turnkey process is powered by Einstein Higher Edu Solutions.


Not all hard working students have super hero cosigners to secure college financing

Lenders need to be honest with themselves whether their decades old private student loan underwriting models are enabling all hardworking students to pay for college. Einstein has created a turnkey solution for lenders that have a strong mission to help students pay for college. The solution is backed by a quarter century of experience, a modern technology stack, full automation and third party integrations.

Current societal upheavals that were accelerated by the COVID-19 pandemic demands that lenders look beyond traditional underwriting models to lend to college students that need access to credit at reasonable rates. Regulators in other loan products seem to now support creative underwriting solutions to expand credit for diversity and inclusion.


Don’t let your credit decision models leave behind credit-worthy students

To build a successful student-centric underwriting model, the application process needs to minimize applicant friction, data integrations are required to pull in reliable data, and full automation is needed to ensure the integrity and consistency of application decisions.

The process doesn’t stop there, an agile approach for annual model updates based on advanced, predictive data analytics of your performance data will increase your confidence in the lending process and future loan performance.

Einstein Higher Edu Solutions provides a complete, turnkey solution to outsource this process. Lenders will benefit by helping more students complete college with critical financing. Let Einstein help you meet your mission by using more intelligence in your application process.

Visit our website to learn how Einstein Higher Edu Solutions can help you.